I'm so happy to be apart of this months challenge! I am partnering up with Ladiestorm and she gave me an awesome commission:
'Map a floating land mass, complete with waterfall. It can be floating over land or water, it can be a floating city, a wizards tower, a nature preserve, any thing you want, with 2 stipulations:
1. it must be floating over something, ie: floating over an ocean, or floating over another land mass.
2. The waterfall must fall and flow over the edge, down to what ever the land mass is floating over.'

Storm also told me that I should get creative and I hope I accomplished that. I almost immediately had a concept of the top of a mountain being broken off and the tip is now floating over it by some kind of magic. I also did two waterfalls, I hope that's okay Storm... I commissioned Storm to make me a floor plan of an observatory tower, (which I'm really excited to see developed) but I will be adding the outside view of that tower somewhere in my map too.

Starting out with some basic line work/concept sketching.

### Latest WIP ###
Floating mountain1.png