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Thread: [Award Winner] Hand-Drawn Mapping (for the Artistically Challenged)

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by chick View Post
    I would expect it's a round brush of size 19 with hardness set to 0% (fuzzy).
    Maybe it's just the wording that is confusing me:

    Grab the paintbrush tool ( ) and change to the fuzzy circle 19 brush, and then scale it all the way up to 10 so we have a nice, big round brush.
    It sounds like it's referencing a particular brush rather than settings on a brush.

  2. #2
    Banned User
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    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by akaddk View Post
    Maybe it's just the wording that is confusing me:

    It sounds like it's referencing a particular brush rather than settings on a brush.
    I don't use GIMP, but Photoshop has some preset brush settings, including sizes like that, both hard and fuzzy. I would presume that GIMP has a preset fuzzy circle brush of size 19 that the author wants you to change the size to 10. That would be a very normal thing to do.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by chick View Post
    I don't use GIMP, but Photoshop has some preset brush settings, including sizes like that, both hard and fuzzy. I would presume that GIMP has a preset fuzzy circle brush of size 19 that the author wants you to change the size to 10. That would be a very normal thing to do.
    That's what I thought but I can't find any brush called that. There are three fuzzy brushes with hardness of 25, 50 & 75. All are 51x51 and a default size of 20. I'm guessing that the tutorial isn't up to date and something has changed or I'm just stupid.

    EDIT: Ok, I figured it out. I must've somehow inadvertently deleted the default brushes without realising it. I go a default set of brushes and refreshed and now it's there. So yes, it was just me being stupid.
    Last edited by akaddk; 04-14-2015 at 09:25 AM.

  4. #4


    Awesome tutorial, I will try it soon

  5. #5


    OK, I think I now know why I'm having such difficulty with this tutorial. It's out-dated. The GIMP I'm using and the version this tutorial is referring to seem to have different setups and interfaces. There are things I'm looking for which simply don't exist.

  6. #6


    I have a slight issue. I started by importing a picture of the shape of my continent as a layer, then I outlined it and removed the original layer since I no longer needed it. My outline layer is transparent though, so I see the outline and the grid behind it but in the tutorial the picture showing their map is solid. This is at the step where you add a mountain layer, hill layer etc. I'm not sure if I should be working in a transparent layer.

  7. #7


    Nice work, thanks for the tute!

  8. #8


    Great tutorial, thanks a lot! Some things didn't work for me. For instance the rivers and the second sea color layer. Plus there was some issue with mask layers, probably because I don't quite understand how they work Took me a day just to figure out how to make the colors work on account of the masks making everything vanish. First map I've made in years and years, it's rough and unfinished but it'll serve its current purpose. Thanks for the help!


  9. #9
    Guild Novice
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    Zagreb, Croatia


    Thanks for the tutorial! It was very nicely explained and easily followed. Kudos to you

  10. #10
    Guild Novice
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    Nov 2012


    So I battled through the tutorial (I've never used any imaging software before, so... that was fun) and I think I've screwed up a few bits, especially with the colouring, but hey, it was fun?! Tutorial was incredibly helpful.


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