Yup, what Saria said^^
Thanks for this, Max. I'll certainly be giving it a try.
Max, just read through this entire post since you brought it to my attention! This is fabulous stuff, really appreciate you sharing with all of us. So much to learn!!
Yup, what Saria said^^
Thanks for this, Max. I'll certainly be giving it a try.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
This thread is a never ending source of inspiration.![]()
I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus
My pleasure, glad you find it inspiring![]()
Max, if you have done linework for a jungle before, could you share with me (us) how you did that? I'm trying to come up with a jungle design that's different from the linework for an ordinary deciduous forest and am kind of stumped at the moment.![]()
Hey Max, thanks for the absolutely gorgeous tutorial! Adore your mountain style^^
You were my inspiration to start making maps
Recently bought myself an Intuos4m in great condition, hardly used hobby decive, could you give me some advice how to get started?
Last edited by The Runic; 01-22-2016 at 05:57 AM.
Think simple, a map is a representation, not a realistic description, even if you go with an illustrated style. Here's how I do : I draw the forests like I would do for an ordianry decidous one and just add some palms leaves inside the forest and on some edges and that's it. Then color helps to differentiate it more from the deciduous forests. On a very zoomed in local map, you'd have to go in more details though.
Thanks The RunicHmm I don't really know what kind of advice you're looking for :/ I guess the first thing is to handle the tablet itself and the move of the pen. For this I would suggest to get rid of your mouse for a while and use only your pen as you would do with a mouse to your daily use of all computer features, to get used to it. Then, for drawing, open some file and draw lines, curves, jagged lines, dots etc... playing with brushes, pressure control, opacity control, here again to get used to your new tool. Then when you feel more comfortable with it, try to draw a couple od things that would be useful on a map, a mountains, a nice meandering river, a tree etc. Well, you probably got it, practising is the key. Try simple things first and once you're satisified, try more complex stuff.
Thank you! That's an elegant yet simple way of creating jungle line art.![]()
Thanks for the tip on the jungle. Usefull and really simple to achive. This workshop is amazing.
Thanks Wired and Warlin![]()