I'm trusting precipitation, climates, and biomes are right up your alley right? Once complete this should be sufficient to serve as enough info for a general working on those, correct?
What letters?
The ones from post 77 refers to the continents
The other letters from post 70 have no signification. 1 to 80 and A-Z and then add something after. Using just numbers is confusing.
this is considering that we keep the grid with the 500x500 km for each area.
I worked on the elevation:
Attachment 66615
Some areas are without colors, they are yours if you want.
I'm trusting precipitation, climates, and biomes are right up your alley right? Once complete this should be sufficient to serve as enough info for a general working on those, correct?
Yes but i intend to keep the climates for later. Biomes are similar but more related to vegetation. I consider them simpler to do. For example, Western Europe and the American north east coast have similar vegetation but their climates are different. Many part of places like China also have similar vegetation but again with a different climate. Biomes could include:
Rainforest (jungle or dense forest)
Decidious forest
Mixed forest
Boreal forest
Mangrove ? (very limited)
Mediterranean (chaparral)
and that is pretty much it. Just so that people know how the wildlife looks like. So we don't have a forest in the middle of the desert![]()
My temperature spectrum for the temp map:
Attachment 66616
Mean monthly temperature (estimated average)
Severely hot: 35 °C or more
Very hot: 28 to 35 °C (31,5)
Hot: 22 to 28 °C (25)
Warm: 18 to 22 °C (20)
Mild: 10 to 18 °C (14)
Cool: 0 to 10 °C (5)
Cold: −10 to 0 °C (-5)
Very cold: −25 to −10 °C (17,5)
Severely cold: −38 to −25 °C (31,5)
Deadly cold: −38 °C or below (3
Maritime influence: cold, hot and just the normal influence of the sea. It might go a bit too far at some places.
Near the ocean the temperatures are less extreme. Green current is mild and tend to lower the temperature more than the red one but less than the cold blue current (in the hot season).
Attachment 66617
to follow Pixie tutorial we just lack winds (step 3) and step 4,5 and 6.
We will assume that the large continent is only slightly larger than Asia since we don't have the exact numbers.
OK here's what I got for elevation:
Thurlors continent is a bit screwed up though. The North pole actually seems to work. Also I added back in the inlet :p
Here's the png:
The world is at an axial tilt the same as earth's I assume? Would that not require winter and summer maps rather than an average?
Pixie's tutorial is incredibly dense, so it's taking a while to sink in but it appears he (she?) tackles the winds before temperature? Or did I miss a step?
Yea, same axial tilt. And these temperatures can bu used for the year or just January and July. It does not make any difference.
Yes Pixie did the wind before the temperature. Winds influences the rain pattern and humidity. This in turn influences the temperature according to the tutorial. Make sense because those equatorial forest have less sunlight than the hot desert because it's is very cloudy. And doping a lot of water helps to cool down.
So next is the wind. ITCZ, Horses and Polar front are all influenced by air pressure. and move during the year.
wind takes a while. its a little easier to do if you do the air pressure first. and when i was doing it for my own world, i discovered that you can be fairly rough with this. after all, its not like climates and biomes follow the rules 100%.
And I would split it into two seasonal maps. Some areas that get high rainfall one season may get very little the other.
For reference, here's the pressure maps I made for my own world I'm developing.
(green is high pressure, yellow low)
“What is a fantasy map but a space beyond which There Be Dragons? On the Discworld we know that There Be Dragons Everywhere. They might not all have scales and forked tongues, but they Be Here all right, grinning and jostling and trying to sell you souvenirs. ”
~~ Terry Pratchett
- My fantasy gamebook
- My old Traveller actual play podcast
- My upcoming DND cloak and dagger actual play podcast
Air pressure for January and July
I'm not sure if they are at the right place. The Polar front is moving. During the coldest season, he is around 30 and at 60 during the hot season. I'm not sure if it's supposed to bend or not.
The ITCZ also moves but the landmasses seems to have a bigger impact. Over a large ocean, he is almost static.
The main problem I'm having is that I get the polar front and some high air pressure at the same places.
Attachment 66687
Attachment 66688
Red is high pressure and blue for low pressure. High pressure when it's cold and low pressure when it's hot.
Last edited by Azélor; 08-16-2014 at 02:40 PM.
My comments on the elevation map:
-The mountains on Thurlor islands look way too high considering the surroundings (the white part)
- And I would say the same thing about the westernmost continent. Mountains should be lower because they are older.
-Some spot are without color , does it mean it's very close to sea level?
- Some spots are left empty because the magic wand could not select them
- South pole: these two hilly parts are almost at the opposite one from the other. The pole is pretty small so I think we should link them. The rest can stay empty because it's not so empty, it's just really stretched.
- North pole: I would suggest to increase the overall altitude. After all it's covered by ice like Antarctica. Well it depend if the consider the total altitude or just the land altitude.
Attachment 66640
Once we say it's ok, it will be hard to turn back. If anyone disagree with the elevation map, may he speak now ore get mad and organize a revolution later !