Love using rock debris! These are great.
Love using rock debris! These are great.
My Battlemaps Gallery
Yes, an awesome asset indeed.
Click my banner, behold my art! Fantasy maps for Dungeons and Dragons, RPGS, novels. No obligation, free quotes. I also make custom PC / NPC / monster tokens.
Contact me: or _ti_ (Discord) to discuss a map!
70 degrees today so I headed out for a walk with the pups and took some pictures. With Hunting season on, I had to keep the walk to the pasture, but still led to some good field photos. I tweaked the first of the photos and made it seamless. Actually pretty pleased with the way it came out, sometimes they come out seamless but the pattern is still so easy to see the repeat.
I don't know, I may have gotten carried away with my height, diffuse and normal map layers. But I think it works pretty good in larger tiled format and correct size. Tiled pic below.
Nice, I'll have to try these out!
My Battlemaps Gallery
I made this fountain for my Endless Dungeon theme, I don't know, maybe week 2 or 3. But thought I would throw it up here with a couple water variations. Fountain, scryin pool, I don't know. It worked well for me. I think I might also do some other rock renders for the fountain part later today.
Very nice, although it appears they have a wee framing glitch unless you did that on purpose to shade the square on which they sit?
Click my banner, behold my art! Fantasy maps for Dungeons and Dragons, RPGS, novels. No obligation, free quotes. I also make custom PC / NPC / monster tokens.
Contact me: or _ti_ (Discord) to discuss a map!
No, not sure what layer that is on. I am guessing the water color, as it looks a little tinged. Let me take a peak at that. Good eye.
Edit: It's my shadow layer. I got aggressive with it and faded to deep, rebounding into the edge of the layer, causing the square around. I'll update this afternoon.
Thanks again for the catch
Last edited by Kier; 11-15-2020 at 11:56 AM.
Posting some updated versions. Tiana noticed that there was a faint line around the squares. Turned out to be my shadow caring to the layer edge and creating the line. I tried to erase it but made a mess of the shadow, lol. So I copied all to a larger layout and redid. But of course I could not duplicate exactly the colors of the first posting as I had changed hue, saturation etc as I saw fit. And then I created some other rock textures for the base, so it is what it is.
Great fountains Kier! Lots of nice variations.
My Battlemaps Gallery
Still going through some files on my flash drive.
I made this for a map that I never even started, lol. I still plan on using it at some point. The idea was rather evil. Cages set on a rocky beach, waiting for the tide to come in. Yeah, I know rather dark.
Maybe someone will find a use of it before I do.
Damn, now I want to bang out that map.
Edited: Found my Spiked Log(Spiked Rolling Pin), from some other challenge on here. This was actually my first blend I think.
SpikedLog Roller_Kier.png
Last edited by Kier; 11-27-2020 at 11:05 AM.