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Thread: Using Online Project Tools for development

  1. #1

    Default Using Online Project Tools for development

    Having had a bad partnership experience in the development of my first product - Kaidan RPG for Pathfinder, I have entered some minimal trepidation into a new partnership relationship with two new partners, though one of them I've known and done business with over the past three years.

    The project (yet unnamed) is being developed using an online project organizer site, called - which includes tools like an overview page, scheduling tool, timeline, wiki, forum, chat, note system, archives, etc. Though we mostly just use the Wiki and overview pages (small team no need to be all over the place.) An online scheduler keeps us on track to maintain progress towards the finished products.

    Being more a creative type, the structure of the site keeps me better organized I can keep track of tasks assigned to me, easily comment on other team members wiki and note entries, and the overview page tracks overall progress on the entire site, so one can easily go there and see any new entries and posted content from one place.

    Each of us have different creative and development styles and skillsets. The managing partner (Johnn Four, who I've known for several years) is more task oriented, which is why he chose that project site to develop the project, as its more his work style.

    Mike Bourke (Game Mastery) blog lives in Australia and with a different timezone, can like a forum communicate his thoughts, responses, new ideas and content during his "time zone". Mike is more methodical taking raw ideas to finished concepts.

    I, on the otherhand, though somewhat organized am more an artist with more random development style, that I link together in idea webs (very right brained thinking here) that is similar to world development from the bottom-up. I build the components, but can readily see the bigger picture, and begin to make concept connections between varying elements. At the same time as I create an element, I am also building a milieu.

    Working with an online organizer/wiki tool has proven to be better for all concerned. This is the first such development team I've been involved with using such tools, but it keeps us all informed and helps keep the enthusium going - from idea storm to finished product. Its a much better experience so far, than with my predecessor publishing partner.

    My task list in the partnership includes all cartography, illustration, Pathfinder RPG development - new classes, etc. and otherwise share in idea creation with all team members for the total project.

    We are doing a three way even split in profit share, after site, transaction fees and marketing expenses. However, my illustrations and maps are paid to me separately from profit - as a project expense, so in a small way, I am paid the most out of the three.

    Our goal is to create one product a month, but also create more material than can fit in the publication which is used as bonus content, free updates and bonus articles and such for blogs and newsletters.

    The published product is intended as a mapped location drop-in component for use in existing adventures and campaigns, with complete backstory and supporting material in the form of Protagonist/Antagonist organizations, NPCs, monsters, traps prepared and statted for three levels of play - low, medium, high level. Each product includes bonus material like GMs tips in using the map, idea hooks, best combat tactics by NPCs and monsters for the GM, lists of 3pp and outside resources like books and movies. Each product will also include varying additions like new PC classes, monsters, spells, feats, magic items, equipment. Though not every element is included with every product. Its a slice of both an adventure and a possible campaign setting.

    Its been a good experience so far.

    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 04-17-2010 at 01:01 PM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  2. #2
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    That looks very interesting. The link is actually, but thanks for that. I've been looking for good organisational stuff for a while. I do a lot of international collaboration and this seems to be a great tool.

  3. #3


    Eh, Thanks, T, I fixed the link.

    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I know it sounds a little odd but a VTT is just the thing for online organization since that's what your doing when playing anyway. Double so if you happen to be organising the writing of a module with maps and stuff.

    Personally I use mine for all sorts of stuff non RPG map related from designing / documenting software / hardware modules and systems to making birthday cards. The program handles concurrent user page modifications and has the ability to lock other peoples views to that which you want to show so with a VOIP its the ideal tool. In fact if I thought there was another "business" application that did that better then it, in reverse, would also probably make for a great RPG VTT as well.

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