Jax and I have teamed up together and he has asked me to create for him a city map. He's given me quite a bit of latitude as to the details. Well for some time now I've been meaning to create a map of Hidroth Lea, the home town of my PCs in a campaign I ran several years back. It was one of those projects just sitting on the back burner for years, so now Jax has given me a reason to get off my rear and actually create it. Here's a brief description of the town:
Hidroth Lea is a large town located along the King’s Highway within the mist-laden Downs of Edigroth. The town is both the political center of Hidroth County, and the center of one of only two archdiocese in the Northern Reaches. The town was founded three hundred years ago by King Thaladon, who appointed Count Aldon Hidroth as Lord of the realm. Aldon in turn appointed Trebeth Etheborne as the realm’s Baron Knight Protector. The Hidroths and the Ethebornes have shared leadership over the County ever since.
There is a tangible air of excitement, hope and expectation within Hidroth Lea. Located as it is in the center of the most important trade route in the north, the town has begun to become a destination point for many. New businesses spring up each year as more and more merchants and artisans from the southlands migrate north. This newly enriched cultural scene has helped to give the once rural town a “cosmopolitan” feel. Likewise, many adventurers pass through town on their way to the latest expedition. Quite a few moreover choose to settle within Hidroth Lea, given its close proximity to the treasure-filled Ruins of Ondur. In fact, due in part to recent historical events and in part to the able administration of the town’s last two Counts, Hidroth Lea has become the fastest growing town in the north.
I debated as to whether or not to do this map in a photo-realistic or a hand drawn style and decided to go with the former. One of these days I hope to write a town map tutorial for GIMP users and so I could use a bit more practice. Anyway here's what I've got done so far; not much more than an outline at this point (the image is at 1/2 res).
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