Many months ago now, I made a couple of maps for the D&D group I've was a part of and then never made anymore for various reasons, the biggest of which was just not having time, then when I did, filling it with other mappy things. Now, I've decided to have another crack at it, though this time to make a map for the entire world of it on a big scale and not just the little sections.

It's going to be a pretty big task and I'll probably be really slow with it and get distracted by all the challenges, etc, but at least this way I'm committing to it.

My mapping skills have definitely improved since I did the old maps and by the time this is finished will probably have moved on again to some extent, but hopefully this will in itself push them forwards. I'll be doing it on Photoshop so it's easier for me to tweak and get feedback and all that jazz and will be hopefully be far more polished and professional than those older maps.

Anywho, I haven't made a start yet, but here's a (bad) photo of the DM's map that I'll be working from.
Dratora Photo.jpg

A teeny bit of background on Dratora:
In this world created by the Gods, the Wrathlord is trying to break his way through to mortal plain to overthrow the various races that occupy it and ultimately gain the power to overcome the mightiest Gods. However, as is foretold, for every attempt the Wrathlord has there is mortal destined to be a spiritblade to stand up against him wielding artifacts from all the Gods. Ultimately, the Wrathlord will win, however many tries it takes and then the universe is reborn and the cycle starts again.

Dratora itself is equivalent-ish to the size of the US (or so I'm told by my DM), and the scale is a tiny bit out on some sections of the map above, but that will be obvious as and when I hope. It consists of many different types of lands, forests and mountain and some of these may (by our geography at least) seem slightly unnatural, because they were hand-sculpted there by the Gods.

Ok, now that's over with, I look forwards to making a start on the map and hopefully getting it done over the next few months, or sooner depending on how things go.