It's looking nice Redleg. Good job with labels. I'm not fond of the your tiny affluents at the start of the rivers, it looks a bit strange, imho.
Been working on this for a few hours now over the span of about a week while I hash out details with the client. Its been a blast working with them and working on the map as well. There's a bit of work left to do (Texture forests, mountains, hills, scrollwork, compass rose, and then the scale) Its coming along well and I'm building my confidence as I go. Any critiques or criticisms you all may have are very welcome. I would like to learn as much as possible from this process! Thanks and hope you enjoy!
Note: There are still quite a bit of pencil work left on the paper as I don't want to erase until all of my ink is down and dried. Also, I can't quite get a decent scan of this so any advice as to how I could get a very clear scan so that the client can use the PNG from it and be satisfied would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited by Redleg; 03-08-2016 at 10:46 PM.
It's looking nice Redleg. Good job with labels. I'm not fond of the your tiny affluents at the start of the rivers, it looks a bit strange, imho.
I went with a branching sort of tributary system. I guess it does look a bit odd.
Really nice so far! I agree about the rivers, those tributaries are probably much smaller than the main river and it's a bit inconsistent to show them, but rivers ARE fun to draw, so there's that I see you've dropped the second coastline now, which I like. About the scan, it's hard to say without knowing what kind of scanner you're using (and I'm by no means a expert in the area) but as general guidelines, what I've found works for me is to take the scan at very high resolution and in color, and turn it to grayscale and a manageable resolution in a processing program. I also tend to crank up the contrast a bit, and sometimes even remove the paper white completely so it's just the linework on a 100% white background.
Got a little more done today. I'm regretting the rivers at this point, but the ink is down and there's no going back. At least the person I'm doing this for thought they looked fine.
Last edited by Redleg; 03-10-2016 at 06:07 PM.
Looks awesome! That labels are very well done. As for the rivers, I don't think they're too bad.
It's looking great, Redleg. And ultimately, the paying client's opinion is what counts most in this situation. If they're happy, then all is well.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Well, that's the most important thing after all! Nice work anyway .By Redleg
At least the person I'm doing this for thought they looked fine.
You draw this on paper? Wow. I'm in awe. Considering how often I do erase stuff while working digitally this must be an excercise in precision and patience. Congrats!
Stunning work Redleg! I imagine the person commissioning it will love it!