Auzari Sepulchral, by Ian Ringler.jpg

This was the first dungeon I rolled out for my players in my current Pathfinder campaign, so I figured I'd share! It was meant to be a simple Zelda style puzzle map, having the players happen upon bells of copper, iron, and eventually mithral, each of which open their respective doors and wings, with all three required to open the vault at the end.

The setting is a newly risen Auzari tomb, a forgotten serpentine race (think almost yaun-ti), that once ruled over the "lesser" races of elves, dwarves, and gnomes in the earliest instances of recorded history, rumored to have crawled from the magical irradiation bred from endless war between angels and devils on the Material Plane. They were eventually overthrown, not before ridding the world of extra-planar influences by aligning the inner crystals known as Lidrium at ley line integrals around the world, effectively saving the world. They still exist, pulling strings as needed from behind-scene, and though they are hated more for the oppressions they committed than for the world they saved, they do all they can to steer civilization towards peace and prosperity, even knowing their actions receive no thanks.

I hope you enjoy!