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Thread: Just to clarify about mapping elements/textures/brushes/etc?

  1. #1
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    Question Just to clarify about mapping elements/textures/brushes/etc?

    I really just need to clarify, because there are some things where this is totally not okay, and I'm paranoid, so I want to make sure I understand everything precisely, so I don't get in trouble (here or elsewhere...)

    Here's what I *THINK* I'm understanding.

    These Creative Commons textures, brushes and mapping elements, basically, are premade photos/artwork, that anyone can take, and use, (as is OR edited) to their heart's content... as long as it isn't for commercial purposes.

    Like for practicing your map skills, or having game sessions, or.. whatever.. as long as it's not for money.

    Use of one's own mapping elements (textures/brushes/etc) is at his/her own discretion.

    SO... if I'm right...

    1) On the forums, or just for my own reference, I can make as many maps as I want with stuff that's already out here (giving credit to those who made it, if liberally done).


    2) If I make my own mapping elements or textures or brushes or whatever, I can use them on any and every map I ever make, in different ways, to make different places, even if I later sell the maps or use them in a commercial product.


    3) This is all a generally accepted practice in the mapping community.

    Have I MISSED something? Is this right? I mean, could I just paint a bunch of realistic looking mountains/trees/roofs/whatever, turn it into a brush (by the same process as the mountains in this tutorial) and then I could just use those trees/mountains on every map I ever make (okay maybe several brushes, in different styles) and never have to draw another tree or mountain or roof (for mapping purposes) for the rest of my life?

    And I could make land/sea/sky textures the same way?

    Or am I totally confused?
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  2. #2
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    1-You can use elements depending on the license. Even creative commons have different licenses, some allows creation for commercial purposes, some don't. Same thing concerning modifications, it all depend on the license. Do you have a specific element in mind?

    2- yes, you can do whatever you like with the content that you are the author. And yes you could use the same elements all the time but map mass production seems a bit boring.

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    1) Nope just clarifying the "rules"

    2) Okay, I don't want to get into anything too personal here, but... I've recently had a... complication, which makes artistic endeavors more... complicated (which in a long round about way is how I ended up turning to my writing and then mapping). After I found the forums, I thought mapping would be much easier, because of the way you sit when you hold a mouse/tablet/whatever is way different than painting. But there are times when I still can't do the things I am used to.. and it's even harder because I don't have a tablet, and I don't know the program. SO.. I didn't know what to do but then I realized I think you can do bits of your maps with the brushes/textures, right? So if I was finding it difficult to paint an entire forest, but I had like... 40 trees for a brush to cycle through? Then I could do that for as many forests as necessary, right?

    Or have a basic "ocean texture" that I could just edit as needed?

    I have to be really clear on this, cause with most art forms, you can't just.. do that.

    Anyway, so not to like, mass produce/make them all the same, but when it's too difficult to do it normally, so I don't have to stop working, if I needed to use them sometimes, that's acceptable in the general mapping community?
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  4. #4
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    Most of us are not lawyers so there are many different ideas as to what the licenses mean. most of us are not always right.
    The one thing everyone agrees on though is If you made it you can do anything you want with it.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    Okay thanks guys!!
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  6. #6
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Well, yes you can build your map with a bunch of elements.

    Easy forest:

    and a good brush set that I really like: Sketchy Cartography Brushes by StarRaven on deviantART

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    Thanks I think I'll still make my own, but I'm just so happy to know it's okay.

    I made an ocean, and a sky, and a trees brush ... they're not the "handdrawn" style though, but I can't wait to try them!

    Maybe I should make some mountains first...

    Annnnnnd... I think I figured out why no one does it this way

    weird forest.jpg

    Unless I made my brush wrong, I think I've found the problem... that looks AWFUL!!
    Last edited by Jalyha; 02-06-2014 at 01:12 AM. Reason: Yuck
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  8. #8
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Personally, I never liked the realistic style very much.

    For top down trees you could look into Larb and Lingon work for inspiration

    A good tuto if you like the style:

  9. #9
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    I'm trying to take baby steps... I'm used to painting realistic-ish scenes with oils, and thought it might be an easier adjustment for me >.<

    I do like the styles of the maps you linked... and I think *part* of my problem is too much variation in the shades of the trees (even though real trees are all different, but okay...) and part of it might be too much detail with the distance...

    So that did help a lot.

    I'll make some changes and if it doesn't improve, I might try for a less... realistic style >.<

    (I'm never going to get this mapping thing figured out and you all are so patient... )
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  10. #10
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    I think those tree brushes has a lot of potential. They are too big for most maps right now, in my opinion, but if you'd use a smaller size and, as you say, a little less color variation (mapping isn't necessarily about perfect depiction of everything, after all, but about finding a representation that conveys what you want it to convey (which can of course be photorealism, just doesn't have to )), I think it could make a very interesting forest.

    Thanks, Azelor

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