I saw in the last week or so someone (sorry, forgotten who it was!) had a crack at an old-school dungeon type map and I fancied having a go too.

I knocked this up in literally about half an hour while my kid was napping but I'm going to use it for a 1st level adventure I'm running at a friend's shop in a few weeks. Very fun style to play around with, relies more on your imagination than trying to draw out every little detail.

So here's the map and, if you are interested, my brief DM notes on the number labels below:


The background:

This is the crypt of three heroes whose legend has long passed from memory (very similar heroes to the party) that sits atop an overgrown hill a few miles north of a village. The entrance to the crypt has collapsed, leaving only a few broken foundations visible through the undergrowth but the old stone door still remains, it's inscription still readable through the moss and grime: "For those that saved us all. Though they now sleep, let their legend never die"

1: A flight of slippery stone stairs leads to a small chamber. Straight ahead is an ornate statue of three figures, one with a long spear, one with a staff raised high and the other drawing a longbow. The floor is coated with a thick layer of dust but small, three-toed tracks are everywhere.

2: This circular antechamber is dominated by what appears to be a font, the water dried up. In the font are a few coins, a precious stone and a rotted piece of parchment. Leading off from this room are three smaller circular rooms, each bearing an ornate coffin depicting one of the figures from the statue. The walls are covered in carvings showing the three of them performing heroic feats, slaying great monsters and kneeling before a king. One of the coffins has been broken open, it's contents scattered across the floor, some of the bones seem to have been gnawed upon.

3: Two large stone plinths are carved out of the north wall here. They are empty but appear to have once held a spear and a bow. Blackened bones of some small creature are scattered before the plinths, the floor around them scorched as if by some massive gout of fire.

4: Further carvings adorn this chamber, every surface etched with scenes of bravery. The north wall shows a gigantic beast rising from the earth, twisting it's tentacles around a golden spire and the three heroes leaping from the spire to battle the creature. A lectern in front of the depiction seems to have once held something. The eastern wall has been breached, apparently from the other side. Many of the strange tracks lead into and out of this rent and a cool, damp breeze can barely be felt.

5: Slick cavern floors wind away from the crypt in a narrow tunnel sloping gently upwards. After reaching a bend to the right, the passage is filled with a deafening rumble and a gigantic boulder comes tumbling down the slope.

6: A pool of reflective, perfectly still water takes up most of this opening in the passage. Three small, ragged figures crouch in the shadows at the edge of the room.

7: The cavern opens up here, the ceiling seems to have collapsed partially and two more goblins crouch atop the rubble, javelins poised to throw. Scrabbling sounds and guttural whispers can be heard from behind the pile of stones.

8: Another chamber, the floor is covered with large, pale fungi which seem to have been deliberately cultivated. Their spores hang thickly in the air leaving an earthy, almost animal-like stench.

9: Beyond the mushrooms there is a crudely made table and benches. Piles of barrels, sacks and crates, obviously taken from raids, are jumbled messily into an alcove behind the table.

10: A thin cord is stretched at ankle level across the passageway, a net holds large stones in the shadows above it.

11: The dim glow of a cook fire illuminates this place, some small toad-like creature is being roasted above the embers. Rough blankets and cots line the walls, more stolen supplies gathered here and there between them. Some of the blankets are thrown aside and three goblins cry out, drawing knives to attack.

12: Three more goblins are waiting in this cavernous room, weapons ready and desperate snarls on their faces. Behind them, a larger and bulkier creature covered in knotted ginger fur snarls. The new creature brandishes a large, brutal club and speaks in a primitive language. The goblins attack.
The room is filled with stolen goods, a chest of silver coins and three slender, canvas-wrapped bundles. These bundles are the spear, bow and staff from the crypt and each emits a faint glow which draws the eye...

Well, that's my little adventure on this old school-style map. It's designed as an introduction to D&D, should be fun to actually run it around a table instead of online for once. Thanks to whoever posted the previous map, sorry I can't recall who it was, for giving me the idea to do it this way!