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Thread: G'day

  1. #1

    Default G'day

    Hey everybody.

    I'm just an avid roleplayer who loves fantasy and sci-fi.

    I'll be honest, my first map making experience was yesterday and it was just to make a joke map for a non-existent setting to get a few laughs out of my gaming group. This apparently got me hooked and now I want to learn how to make my own proper maps. I used Inkarnate for the first one but hopefully I'll be able to wrap my head around GIMP to make some proper maps. I've already had a look at some of the tutorials here and they're fantastic so I should be good.

  2. #2
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Hello CaptainFatty, Welcome to the Guild!

    There is a great tutorial in the sticky section of Tutorials, called Quickstart Guide to Fantasy Mapping:

    From there, go to Hand Drawn Mapping for the Artistically Challenged:

    Once you have completed those two tutorials, you'll be well on your way!!

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