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Thread: Hello, Everyone!

  1. #1

    Post Hello, Everyone!

    I'm a bit new here, althought I've perused and even used some of the maps here, for inspiration if nothing else. I've been using Campaign Cartographer since it's inception, and love how you can import png's into your maps. I've ran several campaigns in several systems, and have been quite avid in both playing and judging the old Living Greyhawk (2000-200 and Pathfinder Society (2008-). I have ran campaigns in a home brew system I developed, a the Judges Guild City State of the Invincible Overlord campaign, but really fell in love early with the World of Greyhawk and later Forgotten Realms. Then Columbia Games with the Harn System came out and I really fell in love, and have judged several campaigns in Harn, including one about to finish up in four weeks. I will most likely continue to build/judge Harn Campaigns, since they have so much detail, and the maps as templates are very detailed, and make great CC3 maps.
    I started playing D&D back in the late 70's, and have followed through with each inception of the game, from the Blue book to the White Box set and the additions, to AD&D 1st Edition, D&D, AD&D 2nd Edition, D&D 3E and 3.5E, and when 4th edition came out I felt that WOTC had lost the Gygaxian flavor of D&D I'd known and loved all those years. I was encouraged to switch to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game in 2008-9, and have come to like that system very much and pretty much exclusively play/judge with it. I mainly play online now, so I love how you can put the maps down and the player tokens can move directly atop the maps. When I do travel to conventions, I generally take my laptop and computer monitor and run something similar to an online game from there.

    I'm not sure how many maps I'll be able to post here, though I do have a webpage with many of my Harn maps on it, as well as others I've done over the years. You can peruse that site at

    At any rate, thanks for allowing me to be a part of mapmaking and the hobby all these years.
    Arillion (Rob)

  2. #2
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Hello Rob, welcome to the Guild! I'm sure we'd love to see your maps posted here and maybe get you started on some new ones as well

  3. #3


    Lovely collection of maps on that site, I enjoyed looking at them.
    My new Deviant-thing. I finally caved.

  4. #4



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