Hail, this is the First map i'm posting there, so it's very simple now because this is the base map that i'll post here(there are several others but i made this especially for posting here).
Okay let me explain some things:
-The World name means: Expia bending of Expiar(en: Atone. Maybe), that means "To suffer the consequences of", Era Civiliza means Civilization Era, and XI is the number of Planet.
-This world is a Portuguese "Experimental Space colony" used to conduct a Civilization Size Human Experiment, this is made by other nations too and as the planet number says this is not the first.
Okay now let i show the basic map(I think the scale is wrong but, just check the map):

Very primitive no? Well i'm newbie on these things so dont expect lush things, so if you recognize this color that i used on map you maybe know what i'm trying to do. Well, the land masses i've made on AutoRealm and further i'll do the next additions on it, using GIMP or PhotoFiltreStudioX(Yes i use this and i'm very good(not so) on it.). Okay i showed my map, now i want to know from you, what you think? There is not much to talk about, but i want to know if the geography is okay, i dont like to make islands because they are numerous and small this was a rare exception(A Pangea Style World with a single continent makes me happy but is so monotone...) what you think about them? they were good? Well distributed?
*Also give me Some tips here 'bout Geography on fantasy maps*