Hello everyone.
I thought I posted a greeting when I signed up but dont see it now. So, here goes for round two.

About me: I love maps. From their function to art, the varied levels of each that they achieve is uncountable. There is so much to love about them.
My favourite types are relief maps that show the 'true form' of a land and, of course, the classic explorers maps with all their artistic flourishes. ...and some city maps. ....and, well, there are so many to choose from, don't make me pick!

I remember one of my favourite assignments in school was in social studies where we were given the description only of an island (it was fairly large with 2 'towns' and a connecting railroad) and had to make a drawing of that island. After the assignment was completed, the teacher told my uncle (who was my guardian at the time) that I should get in to cartography as my map was on a whole different level than the rest of the class. My young self didn't see much potential in becoming a cartographer but there has always been that what if in he back of my mind.

Lastly. How have I not found this place sooner!? The submissions I've seen in just my short time here are amazing. I have already spent hours lost in some of the work.

Also, I probably should've called myself CartophileKev but hey, glad to have found this place.