Well my hat is off to you sir! For just messing around these turned out very well indeed. You've got a distinctive style J. which I really admire. Keep it up man.
I wanted to start a thread where I put up stuff that I was working on where the point is to try new things [for me] and get feedback on what doesn't work, and if things do work, then any feedback there as well. These maps are not going to be finished maps per se. Some may get to that level but most are going to be me attempting to do certain things I'm not really familiar with.
So to start...
I was inspired by Max's Gh'orna map, as well as some others. I haven't ever really done any maps with mountains in that style - sort of 3d perspective I guess. So I decided to finally try some like that. I sat around yesterday and drew up a few and then scanned them in.
I am trying to get faster as well as improve skill, so I was trying to paint them along with the pencil lines to save time, instead of redrawing all the lines. That is what I would normally do. The first one was really quick and came out well. Pencil sketch and then painted version.
Paloket 00a [L] by sirinkman.jpg Paloket 01a [L] by sirinkman.jpg
These worked well.
The next one not so much. I didn't draw out or really plan the land, just the mountains, and that is biting me in the ass at the moment.
I tried a number of new things with this one. Some may work. Many do not. The names are just placeholders as this was not really a planned map.
I don't do larger region maps much either so I feel I'm encountering problems I'm not used to.
So the pencil sketch and then the color where I am now.
Lands of Tol'imen 00a [L] by sirinkman.jpg Lands of Tol'Imen 01e [L] by sirinkman.jpg
I'm reasonably happy with the mountains and the concept/layout. I liked the perspective on it.
I'm not sure about the forests. There are 2 types. The first experiment is up around Shelva. I did those first.
Then I tried it a bit differently with the one near Lamen, then the ones down on the southeast landmass. They seem better.
I liked the hills in the Agis-Deris area on the southeast landmass.
There are parts I like and parts I don't. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do for plains areas and how I would depict other features.
Any feedback, positive and negative is welcome. Thanks.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Well my hat is off to you sir! For just messing around these turned out very well indeed. You've got a distinctive style J. which I really admire. Keep it up man.
Thanks arsheesh. Some things I pick up quick. Others take me longer.
Contrary to what you might think I still have much to learn.![]()
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
These experimental/casual mapping threads are becoming quite popular. I think they're great.
I think your islands of Paloket drawing is very good. The water, grassland and cities are very good. The mountains are well-drawn, but my only criticism is that they do not look rugged enough. The sides seem too smooth, and the ridge along the top too even.
On Tol'imen, I think the mountains on Der'imen are the best you've done, but still need work. I also think the hills and forests are very well done on that island. The knockout feature, though, in my opinion, is the plateau feature near Algena. I also really like the perspective, with the inclusion of sky above.
Overall, it is all really good, and I am keen to see more of your experiments here in the future.
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
THW - Yep, I see what you mean on the ridge [Paloket]. That was my first one and I didn't notice that. I will definitely keep that in mind.
As an experiment, it was helpful and instructive. It does take more thought to get a more natural, believable mountain ridge line. When I look at it now [Tol'Imen] the mountains seem overly large. The sketches were quick. Maybe 10 minutes on Tol'imen. Perhaps 20 mintues on Paloket. That is definitely a problem with using the pencil sketch for the painting - you can't really change it once you commit to painting it. I'll have to think about that a bit more.
I didn't even think about the plateau. That was a bit of an after thought. The land needed features and I didn't have any planned. I'm glad you liked that. See, that's part of what's so helpful about getting feedback. Thanks THW.
edit - Ya know, as painful as it might be to redo the whole piece, I might redraw the ridgelines on Paloket. Then I'll have to repaint that but it might be worth it.
Last edited by J.Edward; 02-22-2015 at 11:56 PM.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
I redrew the ridge line but I'm not sure if it is enough.
Paloket 00b [L] by sirinkman.jpg
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It's a massive improvement. The sides are still a bit smooth (especially on the western part), but that might just be a personal opinion.
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
I agree with THW, if you ignore the ridge line and look just at the sides, both sides are pretty flat for the entire length, like two inclined planes leaning against each other.
I really enjoy your drawing and coloring! I'm gonna keep a close eye on this thread.
I can see what you all are talking about. I may go back and make changes at a later point.
But moving forward, I tried to take those comments into account as I work on other pieces.
Thanks for the feedback.
Today's piece is an island as well. A caldera.
I had tried for a commission where they wanted a map of a volcano island.
Didn't get it as someone else already spoke to them.
Might I say that the map request subforum is a feeding frenzy. If you don't see the request early - forget it.
Anyway, got me thinking about doing it anyway. So this is the pencil sketch, on 8.5x11 paper. This will definitely get some color.
If I feel like it's worth it I may redraw it all in PS. Not sure at the moment.
The Isle of Shab'Ra'Tan
Shab'ra'tan 01a [L] by sirinkman.jpg
There will probably be a story to go with this one.
edit - Oh, the shading will be done in PS. I didn't do much there so if I needed to redraw anything it would be easier to do that.
Last edited by J.Edward; 02-23-2015 at 05:28 PM.
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