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Thread: Airship - The Vila

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Saskatchewan Canada

    Wip Airship - The Vila

    Here is another project I am slowly working on for personal tabletop rp use. Its slowly evolving over time.

    The Vila is an extravagant airship, built for travel into the unknown. Its hull is made of metal and wood, while most of its interior is made of ashen grey wood. A sizable balloon and several enchanted vacuum ballasts keep it afloat. The top and main decks are adorned with carvings in the fixtures, stained glass, and gilded oil lamps. The Orlop and Cargo hold are plainer and have more mechanical elements exposed for ease of access.

    First Draft:

    Initially as I usually do I drew this ship by hand inking and colouring it with alcohol markers. Originally there were only three decks:
    Airship Top Deck.png
    Airship Main Deck.png
    Airship Boiler Deck.png

    Designing in 3D/ Refining Layout:

    To properly solidify the shape of the I built the ship in a voxel program (MagicaVoxel) and took screenshots of the ship. During this stage I decided to add an additional deck to the design. After I was finished my first draft I managed to destroy/delete my file. the size of the balloon definitely needs to be upped 2 or 3 times in future 3d renders.

    Steward's room 3.png
    Vila 1.png

    Before the accidental loss of data I managed to take pictures of slices of the decks I built.

    Main Deck.png

    Current Ship Layout:

    This helped me create the current iteration of the ship layout. using a vector based art program (In this case Affinity Designer)

    Deck Descriptions:

    ◆︎ Top Deck ◆︎

    Exterior -A wooden deck wraps around the bow of the airship, bordering the yellow stained glass skylight that looks down into the hall of the main deck. A pair of small air balloons are strapped neatly to either for use in emergencies and land missions. A set of stairs lead up to the uppermost deck that allows easier access to the upper balloon, rear machinery, the anchor and stern harpoon cannon

    The Bridge - This room is filled with charts, navigation aids and plenty of tables and blank parchment. Several firearms are stored inside a chest near the captain's quarters. A staircase sweeps down from the port side of the ship to the main deck below. Two railings overlook the deck below on the bow side of this room
    Wheelhouse - A set of stairs lead up to the helm. This small room is raised up above the rest of the ship and has windows in all directions to allow the helmsman to fly with ease.
    Map Room - A small storeroom for the storing of Navigational equipment and maps
    The Captain's Quarters - The captain's cabin is on the top deck giving them quick access to the balloon, helm and bridge. (max occupancy 2)

    ◆︎Main Deck◆︎

    Commons - A set of stairs allow passage into a wide hall and common area The rooms that border the hall have a sloping roof that gradually widens to match the diameter of the skylight above. There are several tables and chairs that can be used during meals or social occasions. set up in the commons

    Infirmary - The infirmary is equipped with supplies that are useful for both healing and scientific pursuits.(Max occupancy 6)

    Doctor's Quarters- The doctor's quarters can be accessed by passing through the infirmary. (Max occupancy 2)

    Financier's Quarters - A lavish cabin that the owner of the ship has prepared for himself. It contains most of the comforts of home.(Max occupancy 2)

    Financier's Office - A large private office with a well-appointed desk at its center. A pair of smaller wooden chairs sit across from a plush leather chair.

    Galley - The ship's kitchen has a single small table as well as many cupboards, an icebox, a sink and a coal stove.

    The Larder - Some food storage has been allocated here to allow for easy access and inventory.

    Cabins -Bunks are installed on the wall. A set of blue velvety curtains can be pulled around the opening to the bed for privacy. There is plenty of in-wall storage and lockable footlockers for each occupant. The occupants will share a single writing desk with their bunkmates. Each cabin has a storage closet with a washbasin, cleaning supplies and spare chamber pots

    Petty Officer's Cabin - (Max occupancy 4)

    Officer's Cabin (Port) - (Max occupancy 4)

    Tradesmen's Cabin - (Max occupancy 6)

    Passenger's Cabin - (Max occupancy 6)

    Officer's Cabin (Starboard) - (Max occupancy 4)

    Steward's Cabin - (Max occupancy 6)

    ◆︎ Orlop Deck ◆︎

    Engine Room - The heart of the Vila is the engineroom. Spanning but the Orlop and the Cargo deck the beastly steam engine is powered by coal but can also be converted to burn wood. A maze of catwalks snake around the upper portion providing access to the engine components and the ballasts on either side of the ship. the brassy engine powers the propellers and keeps the massive ship moving. A coal chute that feeds the engine room is found on the Port catwalk.

    Pursers Store - Luxuries and anything valuable is stored in the back section of this room and is locked away from the rest of the ship. these things can be purchased from the purser in exchange for a deduction in pay. or for the exchange of actual money.

    Airmen Hammocks - Closely packed, hammocks stacked in vertical threes make for the sleeping arrangements for the airmen aboard the Vila. there are cabinets built into the wall and anchored footlockers to keep their belongings.

    Carpenters Store - This room is where alll the tools for carpentry are located. the tools can be easily locked away in case the room needs to be used to keep unruly crew or worse...

    Stairwell - The stairwell has a good deal of in wall storage. It has a flight of stairs going to the floor above and a hatch that lifts to real the cargo hold steps.

    Hall - A doored wide hallway that has a window from the gunners store on the starboard side, and desk for common use on the port. A cabinet with cleaning supplies can also be found here.

    Gunner's Store- Cannons, Harpoons, pistols and rifles as well as bladed weapons are all stored securely within this room. A window can be opened up by the Gunner and the Gunner's mate while distributing the weapons for missions and emergencies. No one but them are allowed in this room.

    Livestock Pen- A pair of goats, and a cluster of chickens are penned in this area. they live in a wired area in a bed of straw that is regularly cleaned to keep the smell down.

    Topmen Hammocks- The topmen and ballonists have hammocks clustered in this alcove with the same storage solutions as the airmen

    Commons - A common area with tables and chairs for the crew that sleep down on the orlop deck.

    ◆︎ Cargo Hold◆︎

    Everything else is that the expedition is expected to need can be found in this lower portion of the ship. It can be accessed by the upper engine catwalk or a long set of stairs near the bow of the ship.

    A catwalk spans the length of the ship, eventually leading to the ship's boiler and engines. There are many handholds and retractable ladders on the catwalk giving access to different types of stored goods below.

    Further Plans:
    • Continue to Texture and light current Map
    • Furnish Map
    • Illustrate Ship
    • Create and Render Ship in Blender
    • Experience this beast in VR

    Thanks for reading through my project. Feel free to comment or make suggestions This is an ongoing project that I'll be refining over time so I appreciate feedback.
    Last edited by Flawed-Menagerie; 11-19-2020 at 01:43 PM.

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