I am currently developing a world for a fully original tabletop RPG that I am creating. I've got hundreds of pages of history, mechanics, and profiles, and these:

Socio-political Map (PS).jpg Geographical Map (PS).jpg Tarxus World Map 2.jpg

The first two are extremely early sketches that I drew up just so I could start writing interactive history for the world; needing, of course, a general idea of where each race begins and calls home to do this. I include them only because they were the first maps I drew for this world (as poor and inaccurate as they are). The last map is an artless display of the more-or-less finished coastlines.

I'll be slowly developing this map and will be posting my progress here for motivation and, if fate smiles on me, advice and critique that will benefit an area of world creation in which I am not yet a master.