Welcome, one and all, to this dramatic city. Envisioned by patron Justin Grindal, who commissioned this piece recently.
It it a meeting of several places pulled into one by strong forces of chaos.
It brings together the celestial, the fiendish, the feywild, and the human, as indicated by the roof colors [above].

In the further variants, I did change the roof color to a more standard look, as it played better with all of the color variations.
Once again, we have some nice elevation changes here in this city. In some versions there are floating islands.
All in all, a very winding, wandering city to explore and adventure in.

I'd like to give a hearty thanks to Justin for commissioning this, but also in being readily open to it being shared here with all of you.
I hope many encounters spin off from this one. This is a very big map, at 28.5 x 28.5 inches.
You can grab the free full size version over on patreon. There's also a pdf that has a bunch of low res samples of the other variants.

There are a lot of options with this one. Too many, probably.
But hey, they're fun to explore, so people get extra for their money.
I hope everyone had a good week. And have a great weekend. Cheers, J

City of Urbs 01 [2021 sample].jpg

Urbanis seasons.jpg - - Urbanis 5 - Flood 13 sample.jpg

Urbanis 3 - Autumn 19 sample.jpg - - Urbanis 1 - Spring 04 sample.jpg

134 variants.jpg