Hello Everyone!!!

My name is Moki, and I am currently a college student. I have always had a fascination with map-making and story-writing. Recently, after discovering a few videos by FT Cartography and being impressed by his maps and the way he told the story of his world, I decided to start doing it myself. I have always wanted to create my own map and world but never had the motivation or the knowledge that I am capable of doing it. As well as being a perfectionist, it is very difficult for me to settle on something, but I have decided I won't let perfect be the enemy of good and just start doing it. I have so far created a single completed map of a small region in my world that I might post somewhere and currently working on my next in my world, making these maps has been my creative outlet for a while and I am super excited to explore all the different ways I can my ideas put into fruition, and I am excited to learn from all of you and get better!!!!