My entry for the Sept./Oct. 2018 Cartographer's Guild lite challenge, “map something from Harry Potter.” I immediately knew I wanted to map the Hogwart’s Express in the style of patent art, but decided that for a challenge entry, this needed something more and I wanted to tell a bit of a story. So I made a vintage-style map of the British railways (taking massive liberties because the real rail maps are dense with information), added “handwritten” annotations to it, and then added some Polaroids, a used train ticket, and a note. The patent papers and rail map were hand drawn on a Wacom Intuous tablet in Photoshop.

WIP thread is here:

For the patent papers, the fonts are Times New Roman, JMH Typewriter Mono, and DrewHandwriting2. For the rail map, the fonts are Jellyka – Nathaniel a Mystery (handwriting) and Copperplate Gothic Bold. For the ticket, the fonts are Copperplate Gothic Bold, JMH Typewriter, and Hammerkeys (ticket side numbers).

The note paper and table are photographs I took. The Polaroids I assembled from photos found online and then aged in Photoshop.

Hogwarts Table v3 (sm).jpg