The wind howled and the wood creaked like it would split apart any second. Lightnings and thunder revealed the grisly old captain for a brief moment, his grey beard wet with sea water yet his gaze remained unwavering. His resolve was as stone. I just hoped our party held the same... But we were the ones that wanted to risk these waters, no needed to. A shout ripped away my attention.
"Secure them sails! We are entering dangerous waters now!"
A gasp left my lungs, twice the boat had barely made the crest of a wave and the captain did not say it then...
I rushed forward, gripping the rope for dear life as the sail strained against the high winds. The boat started pulling to the side as if dragged by a giant hand. It had begun. We had entered into the grip of that monstrous whirlpool. Another flash of light revealed the worry on everyone's face. Then a wall of water struck me, salt stung my eyes as I got flung free of the rope. Chaos swirled in the waters and I frantically clung to my only breath, in a matter of moments I lost track of time and place.
Grogginess lapped at my face, or was it water? My hands pressed into the sand before a push from water sent me tumbling a few times before the sand met my face in an unwelcome slap. I turned on my back and opened my eyes. There was no ship in sight. Just jagged rocks and a beach. I sat up and saw several crates laying halfway into the water before a groan drew my attention. Off to my left, there was one of my party members. A question marked my lips. "Where are we?"
I wondered for the briefest of moments if we had somehow made it to those dangerous islands that lay in the grip of the Maw. Whatever the situation, we took the risk for a reason. There is a mystery on these isles that might shine light on our quest, the greatest danger to have come into our simple lives.

This is something I really want to map. So this challenge kind of fits it perfectly. So our intrepid adventurers sought out a captain to brave the rip currents of a great maelstrom that hung of the edge of the Four Fang Isles. Few, and I mean extremely few ever dare sail even close to those Isles. But the maelstrom wasn't always there, there are a great many mysteries on those isles.

### Latest WIP ###
The Straights of Skiette_v1.jpeg