Well met and good day (or evening depending on the time zone any of you might be in) to you all, especially to the passionate cartographers whom you have undoubtedly been on this site for at least a decade.

To clear up something that I want to get out of the way first before I move on to something that is of relevance to the general subject matter of maps and mapmaking; I was not supposed to have found this site as I was not expressly seeking out some particular circle revolving around maps, cartography or map-making and its associated hobbies that coalesce on forum sites, discord servers or what-have-you. What occurred was that I merely happened to have stumbled upon a pin on Pinterest by sheer accident (this one specifically: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/653866439680114367/) that wired me through to this, no doubt intriguing, site. And since it happened to be locked behind a bar that required one to register; therein my curiosity was piqued enough for me to opt to make this account I am currently using.

Coming out clean as to my pursuits, map-making for me has a peripheral purpose in that I use it as a vehicle for the worldbuilding that I mainly comprises the overwhelming part of my creative pursuits; geographic reliefs, climate, biomes, and all corresponding factors and so forth that would influence a particular territory, are tools I make use of to contour the culture and society of the inhabitants who inhabit a specific region and correspondingly also fashion the development of variance of rises and falls that the standard assortment of local conditions can elevate a given nation or an empire to heights of power or arrest it to wallow in a perpetual state of primitivity.

Because of this, the main place I spend my time furthering this pursuit of mine, is on NationStates, as it provides an avenue for those who commit to aspire to world-build their nation -- or in my case, not just my nation but that of an entire region, as unfortunately, I happen to be the only one from among my region members who happens to not only actively take interest but also to convert that into an effort to write this into concepts that can be fully realized into mature elements of worldbuilding in addition to nation RPs.

At least for those who want to use the site for this purpose besides its web game function and to debate politics on NSG that is.

To conclude this post in the same vein as the positive tone with which I began it, I am and would be delightfully grateful for having me in this long-running niche community.