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Thread: Greetings Map Enthusiasts!

  1. #1

    Default Greetings Map Enthusiasts!

    I am new to the forums and figured I should make myself known. I run a number of games from FATE Core to, most recently, Pathfinder for a few groups of friends. I freely admit I probably don't have a talent for map making but I can most certainly appreciate a well made map! As soon as I figure out how to go about it, I will probably be asking some of you guys to make maps for me.

  2. #2


    Welcome to the Guild Mithosarion
    It's always worth the attempt to see if you can do your own maps.
    There a lot of pleasure in making them yourself, a lot of freedom in it too.
    We've got loads of helpful tutorials in the tutorials thread.

  3. #3


    Thank you for the warm welcome! I suppose I could give it a try again. I have had little success in the past, but nothing ventured nothing gained. Still, I have a couple of games I wanted someone who is actually experienced take a crack at.

  4. #4


    Well, you can always make a request in the Map Request thread.
    Most will only entertain the paid requests, as map making is a lot of work.
    But occasionally some Guilders have taken on a project for free.

  5. #5


    Have no fear! I would not dream of asking for quality work without compensation. As I said, I am working my way through a few pathfinder adventures lately and want some custom maps for my player's consumption.
    Last edited by mithosaurion; 04-02-2016 at 11:08 AM.

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