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Thread: Beepbeep

  1. #1

    Post Beepbeep

    Hi. Wound up here while looking for town maps for a fantasy world I'm building. High fantasy with swords and sorcery, pretty standard stuff really... Looks wonderfully promising, and maybe in time learning to make my own.

    For world maps, I like using the fractal generators available (donjon is my favorite). It's really the town level that I have a big problem with.

  2. #2


    Hey M.quill - welcome to the Guild
    There are plenty of people here that can help you out with advice and what-not for town maps.
    Myself and Larb do a lot of town maps, as do many others here.
    I believe Larb did some tutorials for that, and for drawing buildings for perspective towns.

    Best way to go is to just start in and then ask questions.

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