Hello Guild!

I am back with another map from my worldbuilding project, which is still unnamed because I am bad at naming things lol.

Rise of the Empire of Hatum and the Surrounding Tribes and Empire.png

This time I took what I learned from my previous map and decided to add more detail than before, this map focuses on the "Hatumi Empire," an empire that formed in between three mountains and in the middle of a strategic trade route to the continent, the Empire expanded quite quickly was able to become extremely wealthy, because of trade route running straight through it. The empire was able to defeat multiple different tribes to the south, which allowed it to subjugate some of them and assimilate them into Hatumian culture.

As you can see, I decided to try out creating a border and using a paper texture from MapEffects, which I really enjoy! the map shows how the Hatumis expanded and the different routes of their armies. This map was very heavily influenced by the expansion of the real world Roman and Macedonian empires, and the idea for using the arrows for army movements came from that as well.

I also decided to utilize a name generator. I learned how to use the Rinkworks name generator, which took me a while to get the hang of it, but I think I have got it down. It was very helpful as I struggle with naming things and this really helped me finish my map.

I was also thinking of creating an atlas or a document to write the "history" of the map and why, but I want to develop the world a bit more before I do that.

As always I am still really new to map making and I would love for y'alls advice and/or comments, and constructive criticism is welcomed as I want to hone my craft and get better at making maps!