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Thread: First serious map of my first serious world for my first attempt at digital art!

  1. #1

    Map First serious map of my first serious world for my first attempt at digital art!

    Hello, all! I posted a couple times in "How do I??" before I found this, so my apologies. But now at least I have something to share!

    I'm making a campaign world for a roleplaying game (like many people here, I bet), and I wanted to go all out on the realism. I started with plate tectonics, using GPlates to simulate how movements would lead to land mass and mountain formation. From there I used Geoff's Climate Cookbook to create realistic biomes, which combined with the elevation map I'd made to suggest small-scale water features. All this was then changed from an equirectangular projection to a Robinson projection using G Projector.

    The end result created this elevation map:

    Elevation and Water.png

    and this climate map:


    That's where I got stuck. I didn't know how to make the maps I'd made look like an actual work of fantasy art. After a couple posts here, I figured out what I wanted to do. I used Typus Orbis Terrarum by Ortelius as inspiration and a toolbox. I extracted the palette from Ortelius' map and created an image hose from sixteen of his mountains to use for my own mountain ranges. After a lot of work (and studying tutorials), this is what I finished about half an hour ago:

    Physical Geography - Kau'ea.jpeg

    There are plenty of things I'm not sure about, so C&C is absolutely welcome. A fun note: the name of the largest continent used to be "Sweet Keleraen," but one sleepy night I randomly sang it to the tune of "Sweet Caroline," so that had to go. XD

    Hope you guys are doing well, and thanks for your time!

  2. #2


    Hi again, mate I see you've made progress on that parchement map, looks nice so far!
    I've moved your thread to the WIP section of the forum, as that is the more appropriate place for it, and more people will most likely see it over there.
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