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SO, once you have your map or image saved as a BMP, getting it into the program is easy, but first, there is that tricky thing about scale. It would be sweet to ensure that the scale of you image will match CC3 so you can calcualte areas, distances, etc. For that, you need to look at your image of map and calculate the scale. For your map, I calculated the distances as approximately 1280 miles East/west by 1690 Miles North/South based on your Scale Bar.
In CC3, I make a layer and a Sheet I call BMP (Name doesn;t matter, just something that makes sens to you. I Put the BMP sheet near the bottom. This allows me to ensure the BMP is on it's own ayer, and makes it easier to delete from the map at a later stage.
Then go to DRAW menu, and select Insert File. Naviaget to where your BMP map is stored, and select it. If the warning image appears, select the bottom option. CC3 will then ask where you want you first corner. Enter with the keyboard 0,0. On an X/Y grid this means 0 miles East, and 0 miles north. Hit enter, and then enter (for this particualr map) 1280,1690 or 1280 Miles east, 1680 Miles North. And then hit enter.