Hello Deanatglobe,
That's a nice map. Very clean and crisp. I wouldn't go with curved text but i would center the names on their polygons.
Nice work
Here is a political map in handrawn style. I am still not happy with the text and am looking for the handrawn compase rose and legend I could have sworn I had.
Any suggestions on text placement would be welcome. Should I curve the text?
\"Nonsense, your only saying that because no-one ever has!\"
Hello Deanatglobe,
That's a nice map. Very clean and crisp. I wouldn't go with curved text but i would center the names on their polygons.
Nice work
The truth detective
If you can find a rough texture and apply it to the political border polys it might give it a more colored pencil look which would be less jarring to the overall handdrawn style of the map.
Okay, I did some tweaking of colors, I threw a texture on the border sheet. but am not seeing too big of difference.
I changed a few of the names to make thier style match better.
Here is the map without the effects on, someone was asking about the edge fade effect.
\"Nonsense, your only saying that because no-one ever has!\"
I can't see either of the pics. Must be that Firefox problem again.
Ok, I switched to IE and was able to view them. I like the look better. It gives an almost water painted look to the polys.
well, I like that map a lot. It is pretty clean and straight forward and tells just the facts it needs to tell.
I love the second version most since the colors are not so "bright" in that.
Very well done
Come to where the kobolds are...
www.dnd-gate.de - The German D&D Community
I see the original map with the colored edges, but the two most recent maps display as broken image links.
Me: http://www.blackgate.net/blog
RPG Library: http://www.rpglibrary.org/
PBEM News: http://www.pbemnews.org/
Strange, firefox says the PNG's are broken image
\"Nonsense, your only saying that because no-one ever has!\"
I'm using firefox and it seems to handle it fine.