Hi there!
Welcome to the guild.
I see your shadows are shaping up real nicely. I do, however, feel your third version is doing odd things, the patches of grey feels out of place, mainly because it ignores the shadows you start to add in the second version. It overlaps the hills and looks just pasted on. I would suggest taking them below your shading layer, I think.
Another thing you might want to consider is putting the blood layer either on overlay(any mode you feel would give the best effect) or to darken it some, especially at the edges. It is too bright.
Now, this is an optional thing, it is harder to get highlights right, so if you experiment with it and you can get it right then awesome, otherwise just forget this for now.
Where your LIGHT hits the hill face, add a subtle touch of either a lighter value of your dirt colour, or the grass colour. This is either on the topside of the hill(preferably) or just below the line. This gives the idea of raised elevation more cleanly.
If you have any questions, be sure to ask