stand alone mountains tend to be Volcanoes
or the basalt core of a ancient one - think "close encounters of the 3d kind" and devils tower
Hi there! My name's Tristan, I'm 15 years old, if you want to know, and I just joined the CG. When I did, I mainly joined to get advice for drawnig certian elements on fantasy maps, such as city icons (like Tolkien's for instance) or solitary mountains. But today I'm just posting this thread because I need help on how to draw solitary mountains. I have absolutely no problem drawing mountain chains, and all my friends and relatives say it's beautiful, which is encouraging. But it's just this one thing that's buggingme: how can I draw solitary mountains in a pretty and realistic way? So far, I've drawn my mountains by first drawing the range, then tracing lines on either sides and adding shades, which gives a very nice result. So I was wondering if some of you could help me out here on how to draw solitary mountains so that I can have a very nice result. No need to tell me how to shade it, I can do that myself.
Thanks for the advice,
stand alone mountains tend to be Volcanoes
or the basalt core of a ancient one - think "close encounters of the 3d kind" and devils tower
--- 90 seconds to Midnight ---
--- Penguin power!!! ---
You could always give this a try, from the always excellent Jon Roberts:
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Hi Tristan and welcome.
You could also look at this thread and learn from it :
J.Edwards mountains are wonderful pieces.
Can you show us an example of your existing mountains? And also an example of a failed attempt at the kind of mountain you want to draw. If we know where we're starting from, we can give you more helpful directions.
Welcome to the Guild!
Bryan Ray, visual effects artist
[QUOTE=Midgardsormr;315010]Can you show us an example of your existing mountains? And also an example of a failed attempt at the kind of mountain you want to draw. If we know where we're starting from, we can give you more helpful directions.
I'd be glad to do that, I'm just not sure how to post pics of my stuff from my laptop... Mind telling me how, hehe?
[QUOTE=AragornMorgul19;315374]Hit PRTSC (printscreen), go to paint, press Ctrl + V, and then crop what you don't want out. Save the image, then open this website. Click 'Go Advanced', and press the 'Attachments' icon. It looks like a sheet of paper with a paperclip on it. Click 'Add Files', then browse through your pictures until you find what you want.
A dragon with a penchant for mapmaking