The realm of Duscany, previously a far-reaching empire and still a major trading power, features as background in my D&D campaign (actually not so much background at the moment, since Duscan ships are blockading a major trade route for political reasons, but I don't think any of the PCs really care yet). Each stamp will show a different island from the realm. I think I want to show the stamps as part of a messenger pouch, but I'm not sure I'll continue with the mock-up I'm posting now or if I'll shift to a different style. I will definitely photograph the coins and a different coin bag, I just need the weather to cooperate so that I can snap a good photo outside without shadows. I haven't played around with the drop shadow much because of that.

The "Post I" stamp is close to finished; I may play around with the doodads and wording in the border. Like 99% of my maps, this started with pencil and paper and then I shifted over to Photoshop.

### Latest WIP ###
Duscan Empire Envelope.jpg