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Thread: My new WIP

  1. #1

    Default My new WIP

    Hi all,

    I started last night a new map I am a bit anxious how this is going to turn out please throw your ideas and support this way as it’s my 2nd map, someone on a discord server I am
    Part of has said that I should remove the top right island what do you all think?



  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    I don't think you need to remove the island, necessarily, but maybe change the size? As it is, the 3 islands look too similar in size and shape, giving the geography kind of a too-regular artificial feeling.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Diamond View Post
    I don't think you need to remove the island, necessarily, but maybe change the size? As it is, the 3 islands look too similar in size and shape, giving the geography kind of a too-regular artificial feeling.
    Thank you, I will change the shape a bit I just went with how my pencil took me I could also re arrange the lines a bit on all the coastlines

  4. #4


    Ok I scraped the map I started as was not happy with it at all, so started a new one this is based off a lake in Malaysia that I saw on a program I watched this has no mountains as it’s like a rainforest running through each land mass is back water rivers, and I am planning on putting little villages on the landmass like tribes

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Adfor's Avatar
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    Remember: Rivers flow into themselves from the highest point out to sea.


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Adfor View Post
    Remember: Rivers flow into themselves from the highest point out to sea.

    Will do :-)

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    A really cool way to think of rivers, are Trees. Think the branches are inland and its trunk is flowing towards the lowest point. There are sometimes unique exceptions. But that is mostly the rule of thumb. And when there is a flatter area towards the coast, well a river can have roots like a tree.

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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
    A really cool way to think of rivers, are Trees. Think the branches are inland and its trunk is flowing towards the lowest point. There are sometimes unique exceptions. But that is mostly the rule of thumb. And when there is a flatter area towards the coast, well a river can have roots like a tree.
    Like that idea

  9. #9


    Hey all haven’t posted in a while as been busy, but here is a latest image of my WIP I think this will be completed in the next couple days as now inking but you can get an idea of how it looked and when I took this picture I had changed the way I do the trees, enjoy


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