District Allocations...
01 - Supreme residence of the August Grandmaster of Guild City [Tonnichiwa] [FINISHED MAP]
02 - Winden Gardens [GLS]
03 - Atlas Ward [Mouse] [FINISHED MAP]
04 - Blaidd Drwg
05 - Nantara'Ďendel District [Ilanthar]
06 - Arjille [Azélor] [FINISHED MAP]
07 - Innominate Bluffs of the Polyrapt [Falconius]
08 - Mossbank [Meshon]
09 - Handmaiden's Burrow [whipstache]
10 -
11 - Plaza and transmission center [- JO -] [FINISHED MAP]
12 - Matthew VE
13 - District 13 [Kacey]
14 - The Ward of Chiezbehrg [J.Edward] [FINISHED MAP]
15 - [Inner] The Ward of Erahum [Mouse]
15 - [Outer] The Borough of Lurkin [Mouse]
16 - Archives Ward and its cold burrows [thomrey]
17 - White Hill [Azélor] [FINISHED MAP]
18 - DanielHasenbos
19 -
20 - Northern Gate [Azélor] [FINISHED MAP]
21 - Monastery of Realisminites and its vicinities [Pixie]
22 -
23 - Josiah VE
24 -
25 - Poison
26 - Feyward [Chashio]
27 - The Cayadian Enclave [Abu]
28 - NunQiri, the Ward of Whispers [J.Edward]
29 - The Market Ward [djan]
30 - The Water Merchants [Redrobes]
31 -
32 - The Jangles [Wingshaw]
33 - Moonwheel Zoo and Museum of Oddities [Southern Crane]
34 - eViLe_eAgLe
35 - a.coldyham
36 - Ladiestorm
37 - Jalerym
38 - Compass Rose Vineyard [Chops]
39 - Engineering & Power District (Snodsy) [FINISHED MAP]
40 - Dreamscape Tower and Market District [DarkInfinity]
41 - The Old Cartographers' Guild Hall and Administrative Quarter [Robbie]
42 - Smuggler's Map [aeshnidae]
43 - The Laug Inn and the Ree Members [Warlin]
44 - The Precincts of the Dead [Diamond]
45 - Hillside Villa & Grounds [ranger]
46 -
47 -
48 - a section has no name yet...[fol2dol]
49 - The Botanical Gardens [zhar2]
50 -
51 -
52 -
53 - The Hustleflow Ward [Voolf] [FINISHED MAP]
54 - Alarums & Excursions or "The AE" [cpcunningham]
55 -
56 - Cross Parc [Straf]
57 - Hustleflow Port [Voolf] [FINISHED MAP]
58 -
59 doesn't really exist, but if it does, and we can neither confirm nor deny this, it would most probably be Waldronate's