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Thread: Mapmaking Request for Commissioning Multiple Maps for a D&D Campaign

  1. #1

    Default Mapmaking Request for Commissioning Multiple Maps for a D&D Campaign


    I am new to the forums, so apologies in advance for any breaches of etiquette in this post

    I am looking to commission several maps for an original setting I have used and am currently using for D&D campaigns. I am looking to commission as many as nine color maps. While I do not plan to use them commercially, I would like to control the IP or, at the very least, be able to distribute, request additional printouts, etc.

    Here is some detail:

    There is a primary continent for my D&D campaign that is divided into four regions. I have a hand drawn basic map of that continent that also shows about 175 "places of interest" (cities, towns, villages, mountain ranges, forests, rivers, etc.) on that continent. I would provide that map, some notes on the places of interest, and some notes on the overall campaign to help you bring the world to life.

    I would like to commission the following nine maps:

    1) Map of the continent - (for this map and all the others, I would also like to be able to receive color printouts in multiple sizes.)
    2-5) A map of each of the four regions of the Continent (these could have a bit of additional detail that might not be able to fit on the larger map of the continent).
    6-9) 4 maps of particular locations on the continent - the capital city, another famed city, another smaller town, and a coastal area with three closely located cities

    - I would like the continent and the four sub-region maps to be in the same style. Examples from this site of the general style are numerous but would include - and

    - For the city maps, I would enjoy having a variety of different styles. There are so many wonderful maps of cities on this site, that I'd be very open to different ideas. I would provide some general details on each of the cities, but I would also want to leave a lot open to the artist.

    Quality and Size

    I guess I would like something "semi-professional". The size of the continent map is probably pretty large and I would like it to ultimately resemble something close to a map you might receive in a professional source book. The maps could be of different sizes for the sub-regions and the cities.

    Time Frame

    I do not have a good understanding of what a reasonable time frame would be for this project, but I would be willing to work with your constraints and help prioritize the various projects. I would be open to suggestions about reducing the total number of projects, etc. I know that I would hope this could be done over a few months, but, again, I don't know if that's realistic!


    This is a passion project and enjoyable hobby of mine for quite some time. I would be willing to pay well to get a nice, semi-professional product here. I would also be willing to work out payment terms including some percentage of the payment up front, etc. I could pay by PayPal, credit card, check, however you like.

    If you have any interest in this project or recommendations for someone you think would be a good fit, I would very much appreciate it. For anyone interested, I'd like to see a few examples of some work that you've done in the past both on fantasy world maps and urban maps. Of course, if you're only interested in working on a particular portion of this project, that would be fine too.

    I do not yet have 5 posts, so I will try to do that in short order to gain access to the PM system. For now, I will check this thread.

    Thank you,

    Last edited by rushhowell; 03-21-2016 at 03:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Adept AntonioFrade's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Ferrol, Coruña, Spain, Earth, Solar System


    Hey Rush,

    I am interested in the project. Please email me to info [@] versakestudio [dot] com (please replace the [] content with the correct symbols) to continue to talk about this matter.


    Antonio Frade

  3. #3
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Hello Rush, I'm also interested in your project, though mainly in the continental and regional maps. I'm currently the Lead Cartographer for the successfully kickstarted Emissary Tabletop RPG but do have enough room in my schedule to work with you. Please have a look at my gallery, and should you be interested, please do drop me a mail at wolfmaster [at] gmx [dot] net.

    Best regards
    --wired (Sebastian)

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer JonPin's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2014


    I'm also interested. Take a look at my work:

    Contact me if you're interested in working together.
    Last edited by JonPin; 03-22-2016 at 09:03 AM.

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Midwest, USA


    I've done several maps for DnD homebrew worlds, and those are usually fun projects. My style doesn't lend itself to city maps.

    Usually the final product of my work is a digital file, which you can send off and get prints of whenever you want, at what sizes you want.

    The final details have some effect, but I expect a couple months is more than enough time, for the 5 continental maps.

    If this is an evolving world, I've also produced digital versions of a map that the DM could easily add unlimited number of lables to as he invents more locations of interest.

    Feel free to ask more questions in the thread, or email me at: me [AT] jwbjerk [DOT] com

    Here's my map gallery

  6. #6


    Thank you to all those that replied to this thread as well as those that PM'ed me directly. I have had a bunch of wonderful opportunities to choose from and this project is now taken. Thank you again.

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