### Latest WIP ###

I wanted to draw a series of islands with craggly, spidery features so I figured the name was becoming I plotted the 3 land masses out using pinto beans then penciled them in and traced them with a marker. I don't like the way the island on the bottom came out so I think I'm going to abandon that one. I really wanted to practice honing my skills on drawing geographic features and the use of perspective to make the details pop. I also wanted to incorporate both vertical and horizontal mountains, forests, and water.

To bring out the ISO features of this map I did a few things differently. I used a drop shadow effect instead of bolding the entire perimeter of the island. And instead of drawing water lines around the entire island, I drew them in just where I placed the drop shadow. Trying to use a less-is-more approach, I'm happy with the results.

Please feel free to critique and leave comments. I appreciate them!
