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Thread: Paid Map Revision

  1. #1

    Default Paid Map Revision

    Hello All,

    My wife and I have written a trilogy of high fantasy novels, with the first to be published in January 2025. We are putting the final touches on everything along with our small press publisher, and one thing that I decided to take on myself is the world map. I found Wonderdraft and a couple of the add-ons, and I drew up what I think is a pretty decent map for a total beginner. It's a close-up, all land, black and white map without borders since I think that will print best over two pages in the finished novel. I did my darndest to fill it in to avoid looking too plain, but it still feels like it's missing something, or could be done better.

    Is there anyone here that would be willing to look it over and potentially take it on as a paid commission to polish it up? Unfortunately, I'm also reaching out pretty late in the game as I only have until late November to submit the final map. In my total hubris, I figured I could get everything clicking on my own. I think I'd be okay submitting what I've already done, but some more professional touches could really go a long way.

    I don't have a sense as to what my budget is, as I'm not sure if this simply needs touch-up work or needs to be completely redone. I believe in paying artists what they feel is fair, so feel free to provide rates for consideration.

    Thank you very much for your time!
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