As a budding DM, I have been recently working on a little backburner project to design the entire setting before plunging into a campain, in the hope that this will help end some of the issues I've always had with trying to keep my campaigns consistent and long running. I tend to get into a situation where I'll have ideas for the campaign in my head and very little written down, so I'll often loose track of things like continuity of history and even continuity of local events. Anywho, thats not why I'm posting here. I'm posting here because I'm in the middle of the world design phase, and I could use some advice on where to go next, so I figured, i'd post a screenshot overview and maybe my map file for autorealm and get some advice from more experienced mapmakers.

1) An overwiew of the entire map. This represents the sum of my current progress, where I am deciding on where climate zones might go. This is where I have kind of come unstuck.

2) The mapfile itself.

Any help you can provide would be very useful. Thank you in advance.