If you've read Stephen King's Dark Tower series, you know that all of Mid-World is basically a frontier at this point, as direction and distance in the world-that-was no longer hold sway. This, and King's inconsistencies with geography over 30 years, make mapping Mid-World a real treat. But I'm toying with the idea of mapping the small portion of Mid-World that we read about in the books and this seems like a good place to test out some ideas. It also seems like an opportunity to finally try the bird's eye perspective, which is a bit scary since I don't have any classical art skills. (And if I can't acquire a modicum of them in time, this might change to a map of Blaine the Mono's tracks. )

The map starts just prior to the bridge into Lud and follows the bear/turtle beam to the Dark Tower, off in the distance. Lud borders the Wastelands, a sunken nightmare area. Topeka, at the other end of the monorail line, is surrounded by a Thinny where the fabric of existence is breaking down. Topeka also serves as the informal marker between Mid-World and End-World, so frontiers abound.

I'm still a bit "meh" on this map. I have a feeling I'll be using this challenge mostly as a learning experience so advice is even more appreciated than usual.

"See the TURTLE of amazing girth!
On his back he holds the earth.
His thought is slow but always kind;
He holds us all within his mind."

### Latest WIP ###
Lud to Tower sketch.jpg