This is my first attempt at cartography charting the western regions of a continent (Esdeir) in my book sagas; Cities of Kings and The Infernal Thrones. A bit of context for you;

Regional Capitals of - Western Esdeir.jpg

The western corner of Esdeir is known as the Rainbow Estates and encapsulates the lands surrounding the City of the Silirion - Linos - and spans to the eastern extents of the enormous mountain range known as the Dragonspine. The region is approximately the same size as Europe in our world, and instead of being ruled by individual kings or an over-arching Monarch, the Rainbow Estates (bar the Shamurk, or Cities of Chains) are governed by vassals in each individual kingdom that answer to the Prince of Dragonscrown (Larorn Nemhesare as of the Third Age)

This is my first attempt so please be kind but also constructive (honest) with your comments! I'm yet to add a scale and some more towns, cities, etc.
