Ah ha! I see you are indeed finishing the map
Great news!
This is a continuation of my unfinished thread: https://www.cartographersguild.com/s...ad.php?t=39148
Brace yourself, you are entering the most dangerous part of the Caves of Chaos.
If your level is between 1 and 3, otherwise it's not that dangerous.
This is actually only a portion on the Shrine, but since no one else used the name in the challenge, I just took it.
The manual's description:
The floor is muddy stone with dirt and straw scattered.The rock is a sedimentary reddish stone with black veins running.
The walls and floor are carved into the stone. The surface is generally straight but unevenThe floors are smooth and wornThe caves are lit by an omniscient reddish light, not as bright as a torch, but enough to see in the immediate area fairly well. Long distance fades into a gloomy reddish mist (anything over 6”) but some areas
are lit more than others. Some rooms have braziers emitting a faint lightThe symbol of the cult is a 6 fingered fist surrounded by red flames.
No progress has been made since the end of the contest.
section 6 wip2.jpg
Links for reference:
Contest rules
Zoomy map
Last edited by Azélor; 12-09-2017 at 01:09 AM.
My Deviantart: https://vincent--l.deviantart.com/
Ah ha! I see you are indeed finishing the map
Great news!
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
You know, I always saw you as the guy who goes around the forum and gives feedback on people's climates, and hadn't seen you do a lot of actual mapping (or at least not that I was aware of). Now you done your Guildworld map, finished your amazing city district, started another district (which is looking great so far!), and now you've started this dungeon map. I may just have missed a lot in the past, but I feel like we're suddenly being treated with Azelor maps. All I can say is that the attention you pay to detail in very inspiring. I'm sure this is going to be an awesome dungeon map.
You're an inspiration lately, I'll have to restart mine too.
Well, Guildwolrd was started last year and I've done other maps, it's just that they didn't get as much attention.
All the elements are there.
I still need to work of the lightning and adjust the colours.
The chamber with the brazier will have faint shadows. But the rest of the section doesn't have any.
About the boulders: one place said it collapsed and another said they were placed there deliberately. Lore-wise it could make a big difference but I chose the collapse.
section 6 wip 3.jpg
My Deviantart: https://vincent--l.deviantart.com/
Took less time than anticipated.
section 6 cultist shrine no grid.jpg
My Deviantart: https://vincent--l.deviantart.com/
Very subtle - nice finish
I particularly like the way you have done the floor and the stairs.
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying