Lovely map. Can't wait to see this develop! Will you eventually upload a larger version of the map? I think I'd really like to explore a version where the details a more visible once it's done!
Dear Community,
today I started a new project. It will become a more artfull map and it will show the Smalingian Island of Wjaelland, an Outpost away from the homeland´s coast, whith the Danskar Kingdom in the East:
Wjaelland small.jpg
this map is for orientation only
This is the first step towards the new map:
wjaelland map grande Kopie.jpg
Lovely map. Can't wait to see this develop! Will you eventually upload a larger version of the map? I think I'd really like to explore a version where the details a more visible once it's done!
Fascinating. The geography looks instantly natural and realistic, did you draw that by hand, take inspiration from real geography, or some other means? Impressive. It reminds me of Arctic Russia, parts of the Barents or Kara seas.
My only quibble - the regional map looks in a modern style, with the island being in a more quaint fantasyish style. Which is fine, depending on how you're deploying the maps.
Impressive stuff anyway, have some rep, I'm thirsty to see more
Last edited by Robulous; 08-24-2016 at 06:48 AM.
Dear Colleagues, thank you so far.
This map is a smaller Version from the original size. It´s just for a first impression. In the next steps I will use bigger versions because there will be some written information too.
I agree with Robulous, this map is of quite modern style, showing some non-modern information. The later result will clear this difference ( I hope). The above map is out of a modern historical atlas, maybe from 2016 showing the situation some 1200 years before. The second map is my work in progress and it is kind of a historical atlas from about 1800, focusing on the same age. Let´s say it is a historic map of an even more historic age.
In fact I was inspired by the german island of Helgoland, which is lying some miles from the german coasts. It´s quite small but has impressive red rocks and cliffs. Wjaelland is even more miles away from the coast and larger than Helgoland but even outfitted with large rocks and cliffs with some foreland with two small settlements. Wjaelland is surrounded with some smaller islands and this setting is inspired by a story I´m personally working on. This Island is of quite importance because on the upper rocks, there is the so called "Anvil" an old religious place, where the old Smalinger people call the gods (even those from the mainland).
After the smalinger seven sealands were included into the Wallungian Empire, the Wallungian Emperor expanded an strengthened an existing Smalinger Castle on top of the rocks to the Wallungian Wjaellburg, so that the Island is more safe against Northmen attacks "today" even when the old Smalinger were not so pleased having wallungian soldiers on their Island...
Today I added the Wjaellburg Castle, lying on top of the rocky cliffs and some experiments with wood and vegetation...
Just an impression for the Wjaellburg:
Today I experimented on the rocky ckiff-structure and change the font into a more written type. I also added the route of protagonist Lian´s tour with his sailing boat, marking the place, where he found the wrecked boat. From there, Mavie rescued to the bigger island and so Lian remarked the shine of her fire.
wjaelland map grande felsexperi Kopie.jpg
Next update: I was not too happy with the rocks and cliffs and so I redesigned them. Succes was low, I Think, but there´s light at the end of the tunnel. I´ll try a little more with shaddowing maybe but I think, it´s more important to go on. I even attached a first type of compass rose with Wjaellands symbol, the swordfish...
wjaelland map 050916.jpg
This update is the result of some diligent work for some hours. I worked on the rocks, the vegetation and the paths of the island. Still lots of work to do, but the movement is visuable, I think:
wjaelland map grande Kopie3.jpg
Looks pretty good. Are the grey shapes vegetation?