Ok .. so, once again I turned to midjourney, asking it to dream up a world map.

The prompt was

fantasy world map, two continents, forzen polecaps, mountains, rivers, jungles, forests, hand drawn style, --v 4 --ar 3:2
(Yes, I unintenionally misspelled "frozen"..)

This is one of the results:


Pretty impressive, if you ask me. And by far superior to anything I could dream up..
It even created a gloomy underworld.
Ok, it made mountains out of water and lets trees grow right inside the ocean.
Then again, this is a fantasy map, so .... a wizard did it .. ??

Maybe here and there some photoshopping/gimping is required .. for example at the borders .. but the overall map is pretty rad for my taste.

If anyone of you recognizes his drawing style, please do let me know!

Also, C&C, if you want to - then again, there is nothing I could change with this map anyway ..

Kind regards,