Well, I (very) unsuccessfully tried to enter the last couple of challenges, so this time I'd thought I'd at least make a start on it before throwing my hat into the ring.

Still a fair way to go, but this time a work in progress actually exists. Right here on the forum. Just below this text.

### Lastest WIP ###
Treasure Map1.jpg

Everything is subject to change really. I'm sure plenty of tweaking will happen. A lot more linework needs adding and some sort of border too most likely. I'll also probably either age the font I'm using a bit or might try doing a weird font by hand if I have time. I'm also in the middle of designing an kraken/squid type compass rose I've been meaning to have a go at since that compass rose challenge ages ago last year. We'll see how it turns out.

Feedback is always welcome, though early days yet.