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Thread: Current Project - Looking for critique/advice.

  1. #1

    Default Current Project - Looking for critique/advice.

    For my current project I have just made an atlas (the world is very big so it isn't supposed to be too detailed) for the tabletop RPG games I am running with some friends.
    Map for upload.jpg

    I am in the process of making a couple more authentic looking regional maps. Sort of like items they might pick up during the game so I have (as many other people do :3) used the StarRaven cartography brushes in Photoshop along with my own style of forests to make the thing look to some degree hand drawn. And because these forests are supposed to be very high density. A question I have intended to ask for a while is how do people make fairly sizable, dense forests look any good using the StarRaven brushes ? I have seen it done and have NO IDEA how to do it.
    Princedom of Evanor.png

    Throw me any ideas you have on how I could improve the look of my map features and stuff, I'm not that experienced at photoshop mapping as I used to do it all by hand so anything helps. -Thanks.

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected jpstod's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Wichita Falls Texas


    I like the simplicity of it. Many Cartographers forget that to enjoy a Map not every blade of grass or Rock has to be mapped. the Map as it is would be a great game aid.
    The Wayward Traveler
    Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild

  3. #3
    Guild Adept Elterio Delgard's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by jpstod View Post
    I like the simplicity of it. Many Cartographers forget that to enjoy a Map not every blade of grass or Rock has to be mapped. the Map as it is would be a great game aid.
    Well, I agree and disagree. It depends on the style AND the purpose of the map. However, I do agree that TOO many details can be more heavy for the eye. For this map though, I believe the details should be kept low because of the colours you have.

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