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Thread: Fantasy City Map Commission for RPG Campaign

  1. #1

    Post Fantasy City Map Commission for RPG Campaign

    Project Scope:
    Full city map for homebrew campaign world that’s been running for 30+ years. We’ve had great success hiring out a cartographer for an overland map of the same setting several years ago and are returning for a capital city map. We would like the final version to include a ps file so we can make updates.

    High fantasy campaign metropolis. Population ~100,000—mixed race. Adoption and use of magic is pervasive. Some technology exists as well, but no trains, steam engines, etc. Blackpowder is uncommon but not rare. Harnessing hydro energy exists, geothermal, metallurgical. Founded on gem and silver mines in heavy mountainous range. A sort of “ptolus”, but not quite as advanced culturally or technology wise.

    Design Concept:
    Standard street maps of the city, which is built on the side of a mountain on a fjord—think coastline of Norway. City occupies both sides of fjord. There are multiple elevation changes which separate the city into various districts; the higher up you go the wealthier and more elite the populace. Would like to have the map detailed enough to identify specific locations. Will provide a hand-drawn rough sketch as a starting point. Many locations in the city are undefined so would like cartographer to use some artistic license to fill in the many gaps for specific buildings.

    Handrawn sketches:

    Cartographer work that we really liked included:
    • MistyBeee:
    • Snodsy:
    • Greg:
    • Wade Dyer:

    Number of maps:
    One overview city map

    300 dpi minimum. Jpg, png and ps files
    Full color

    We have no intention of using it for commercial use, but want a ps file version so we can update it periodically without having to return to the artist. Assume that means the artist can retain the copyright, but willing to discuss alternatives.

    Flexible. But would like to have completed before year end.

    Suggested outline for work:
    a) Rough sketch or outline of the map including color pallet/fonts the artist intends to use.
    b) 50% completion for review
    c) 90% completion for review and finishing touches
    d) Final product delivery

    Negotiable. We paid around $300 for the overland map.

    Shawn Munday
    Please use subject line Malakii

  2. #2

    Default Help with Map Request

    About a month ago I posted a request for a fantasy city map, but heard little back. I wanted to solicit feedback on how my map request could be improved. Things like:

    1. too much work for too little money
    2. * the ps file ask is a no go
    3. * its a hot mess

    Are fine. My group is willing to revise in order to get something that works for us. Thanks in advance.

  3. #3

    Default Taken

    Thanks for all the help. We have found a cartographer to assist with our project.

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