This is really cool! Is this a personal project or a commission? Is it intended for distribution and/or sale at some point?
Here's a little in progress project so far:
Hex proof of concept. Trying out isometric hexes (conveniently the base has a perfect 2:1 aspect ratio in iso!):
Screen Shot 2014-06-21 at 1.16.52 PM.png
Working out the basic coding to get the hexes displaying
Screen Shot 2014-06-21 at 2.06.47 PM.png
Multiple terrains - plus infinite panning, and the UI workfow to allow picking multiple terrains
Screen Shot 2014-06-22 at 9.35.36 PM.png
Roads and rivers. Rivers run down hex edges, roads run through the middle, solves any conflicts nicely!
Screen Shot 2014-06-29 at 1.49.12 AM.png
Proof of concept for placing locations. This might just work!
Screen Shot 2014-06-30 at 12.37.28 AM.png
This is really cool! Is this a personal project or a commission? Is it intended for distribution and/or sale at some point?
Dear Torstan, what is this Magic about?
It reminds me slightly of Settlers of Catan.
Impressive work Torstan! It's a dream for board gamers![]()
It's a personal project so far. This is all proof of concept - the images are all likely to change (the buildings certainly will).
The magic is trigonometry, javascript/jquery, and - down the line - a little node+mongo for save/load.
Here's some more buildings to show the layering of locations:
Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 11.18.14 PM.png
Reminds me a lot the graphics used in Civilization V and an old strategy game from the deep 90's which used hex-mapping: imperialism.
A little more - showing region overlays and notes (and some bugs):
A little more progress on this:
Screen Shot 2014-07-20 at 12.05.16 AM.png
Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 12.09.11 AM.png
@Torstan-Those symbols are insanely good! I love the Dwarven site symbols. Excellent stuff! Wow! Quick question: Do you create these in a vector program, then resize as needed? What program do you use?