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Thread: Poppin in Finally

  1. #1

    Default Poppin in Finally

    Hey everyone. I've actually been peaking in at the forum for the sake of eye-candy and inspiration for a little while but hadn't joined till now. I tend to make maps with the intention to use them for DnD, at least I tell myself this though I usually end up drawing more than what I end up using. I figured this would be a great opportunity to get any sort of critique. Now that I am out of college finding folks who are just as passionate or simply involved in these sorts of things has gotten much more difficult and it seems like folks here have a lot of fun.

    I'm also quietly hoping my players don't find out about this account. I'd like to show people works in progress of things I'm building.

    -An undercover dm/gm

  2. #2
    Community Leader Kellerica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    South Scotland (originally Finland)


    We do have a lot of fun, glad you decided to join in on it This absolutely is a great place to get feedback on your work, hopefully you'll share something you've created soon. Welcome to the Guild!
    Homepage | Instagram | Facebook | Artstation
    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  3. #3
    Guild Apprentice Severaph's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Lozčre, France


    I think you shouldn't have too much problem to find people with the same interests I've seen a lot of folks here mention D&D and quite a lot of those are actively playng i think !
    Welcome to the Guild !

  4. #4


    Hey I’m glad you decided to emerge from the shadows and join us...even if it is covertly ��.

    All the best!
    - Josh

  5. #5


    hello and welcome! i too find tabletop gaming a portal to fantasy mapping

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