Hey everyone! Man, it's been a while since I posted here.

Anyhow, I haven't been idle since my first digital map (and looking back at that on here - didn't even remember posting it - I've improved a lot), and here's the result of pretty much half of 2018; the world of Tharassian! This was a beast of a project, and I'm still using it for my D&D campaign and my Hearts of Iron 4 mod, so it's definitely not wasted effort. I'm really happy with how it turned out and how much personality sprang just from the ways the borders formed and the names of the countries. It's part of a bigger worldbuilding project, so if anyone's interested in the details of a specific region or country, I'd be happy to fill you in!

The points of improvement that I'd make next time around are the split rivers (rookie mistake, I know) and a more gradual shift from land to sea - which you should be able to see in the next map which I'm currently working on, zooming in on Ordoria! Additionally, while having a map this huge is great for detail, it makes it impossible to upload the full thing in high resolution pretty much anywhere so that's something I'd also do differently. I'm also interested in figuring out how to elegantly place region names over geographic areas like mountains and rivers.
